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Audibubble shows the world the user will be transported to when using Audible. We follow three Audible users on their daily commute, immersed in their audibubble, unphased by the weather, noise and potential stress of the everyday commute. The audibubbles are impervious to rain, just as their users will be. The locations chosen for the campaign are all inspired by UK cities featured in the piece of literature itself. The interactive bookshelf can be found in bookshops like Waterstones as well as on the streets of major cities. The subtle movement of the interactive bubbles floating around the screen will gain the attention of passers-by. By touching these bubbles, the public will be able to explore the bookshelf, and see what other books Audible have to offer and have them sent directly to their Audible account. Having this available in bookshops shows the public what can be available in the moments a physical book can’t be.

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